What To Do When Your Family Gets In The Way Of Your Career?
This is a very difficult situation. Sometimes you want to get ahead in your career, work like crazy to make sure you earn that promotion or that client but... There is something you can't forget: Your Family.
What should you do when your family, inevitably, gets in the way of your career? How should you manage your time to make sure you're going to handle both? What should you prioritize?
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
Soft Skills Book: http://simpleprogrammer.com/softskills
Can "Normal Developers" Learn Design?
This is a common question I get asked a lot: Can normal programmers learn design?
You're a programmer... You write code. What if you could step up your game and learn not only how to write code, but to design... Do you think this is possible?
Design is often seen as a mystical subject. It's 8 or 80: You either have "they eye" for design or you don't. What most programmers don't actually realize is that, in fact, they can learn ANYTHING, even design.
If you're a programmer and you want to learn design, however, you'll have to commit. Learning design is a devotion and it is not something you become a master overnight. It takes time, it takes devotion and it can be tricky sometimes.
If you want to learn anything quickly, check out my course: http://simpleprogrammer.com/10stepstolearn
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
Business Cards & Job Hunting Websites: Is It Worth It?
Business Cards... The goldmine of some decades ago and now it seemed that it is faded to failure... Are they still worth it? Is it still a good idea to invest in business cards? What should be your position when it comes to investing in business cards? How can they be useful on the digital era?
Job hunting websites... A place where you can place yourself as a commodity and wait for someone to hire you... Is it worth investing in these websites? Are they going to bring you a good reputation? What should you expect from them?
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
How To Market Yourself Course: http://simpleprogrammer.com/howtomarketyourself
How To Start Blogging Even If You Have Zero Experience?
This is one of the most common questions when it comes to blogging: How should you blog even if you have zero experience?
Sometimes, a lot of developers and people procrastinate because they don't know how to start blogging. One of their main misconceptions and obstacles is the fact that they don't know enough. They don't know enough to position themselves as authorities and start blogging about whatever topics that come to mind.
How should you proceed when you want to start blogging but you don't have the experience to do so? How should you start blogging even if you have zero experience? How should you organize your blogging, posts, etc. to showcase, at least, some experience and skyrocket your career?
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
FREE Blogging Course: http://simpleprogrammer.com/blog-course
Change Your Friends, Change Your Life!
This is a frequent question I receive and it is also a question that I often cover on my YouTube videos. It all started when I covered a concept extract from "The Personal MBA" Book which stated that "Your Setpoints Determine Your Reality".
After that, I've received a lot of questions from people asking me how they could change their setpoints. I did a video about that which stated that you needed to change your social circle if you wanted to change your setpoints.
Jim Rohn once said: "You Are The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With". Due to that, if you really want to raise your setpoints, you need to change your friends and the people you hang out with.
But... Isn't it mean? Isn't it evil? How should you change your friends? Should you stop hanging out with them? Should you cut them out of your life?
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
John Sonmez... Are You Happy?
In today's podcast I've received kind of an interesting question. A viewer from the channel asked me if I was happy.
While this may seem like a very difficult question to answer, I tried to answer it. A few months ago I'd probably say that "I don't know". But today, things are quite different than they were a few months ago.
In this podcast episode I discuss a little bit more about what happiness means and why you should start looking at yourself to see what happiness really means.
So, click play and understand why and how to build happiness on your day to day life.
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
Switching Jobs As A Fresh Programmer... Is It Viable?
Some Programmers have the dream of switching jobs. They want to start a new career or even, switch jobs to earn more income. What is the best way to do it? Is it viable? Is every programmer capable of switching jobs and getting a better offer?
This is exactly what this podcast is about. Hit play to find out!
Will Apple Destroy Bloggers By Making AdBlocks Easy To Install?
Apple recently made it super easy for iOS users to install AdBlock programs on their devices, whether it's on desktop or mobile. Basically, Apple is trying to start a war with Google, which revenue comes basically from ad selling.
Due to that fact, bloggers are literally stuck in the middle of this war. With Ad Revenue as one of the main sources of income for some bloggers, this could mean in an entire restructure of an entire business model.
Will Apple really destroy bloggers in the long run? How can bloggers overcome this situation and limitation?
Listen to the podcast's episode to find out!
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
I Want To Start A Company With 3 Friends... Is It A Good Idea?
In today's video I've answered a question about starting a company. One of my readers asked me if it was a good idea to start a company along with 3 of his friends.
They're just graduating students and they have this ambitious idea of building a company. Should they aim for it... Or should they give up and look for a corporate job at a big company?
Listen to this podcast episode and find out.
Drinking In The Morning Will Ruin Your Fasting Diet?
If you follow this YouTube channel, you're probably aware that I fast until 5 pm every day and I usually have only one meal per day.
I received a question from a friend asking me if he should drink some flavoured drink in the morning. Will this ruin his fasting diet? Will this 10 calories of the pack make his fasting diet ruin down?
Listen to this podcast episode and find out!
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
Why are you procrastinating to take action on your projects?
In today's podcast, I'll answer a question from a reader of the blog. He says that he wanted to start creating online courses but he is unsure about what is the best way to start. Should he record his face? Should he use chroma key? Should he record only his screen?
While these questions are indeed important, I think this might not be his main issue. In fact, he might be procrastinating because of a deeper issue of his.
Watch this episode and find out why you may be procrastinating on your projects too and find out how you can stop doing that.
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
What Is The Most Efficient Way To Read Books?
Most people think that only reading books will change their lives. However, most people don't even absorb any information of the books they read.
So, what should you do in order to read books efficiently? Watch this video and find out!
Visit: http://simpleprogrammer.com/
How To Write A Professional Weekly Repot For Your Manager?
Whether you are an employee on a corporate job or a freelancer, you need to have an excellent relationship with your employer or client. Communication is one of the most important things you should have in order to continuously build trust and make your work valuable.
Writing a weekly Report is one of the simplest and easiest things you can do in order to build trust on your job and make the life of your manager easier.
But... How should you write a killer weekly report? is it complicated? How should you structure it?
Click play and listen to this episode to find out!
Visit: http://www.simpleprogrammer.com/