► Interview With Tom From FlipAnythingUSA (On Real Estate) ◄
Today I partnered up with Tom from FlipAnythingUSA and we'll talk about some valuable Real Estate advice.
Tom created this amazing channel and website to teach everyone interested in how awesome of an investment Real Estate is.
"FlipAnything - Lessons from a Blue Collar Millionaire, Real Estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Businessman & Father. This channel is dedicated to my sons and all men, women, and children that want to create wealth and live the American Dream. I'll show in my videos how I have made and how I maintain my real estate fortune. I flip own and rent properties of all kinds I also flip non real estate items for profit. This video blog is designed to encourage and teach and serve as a road map for my own kids when they are old enough and or ready."
So... If you're interested in learning more about real estate, stick with us and join this amazing conversation.
Flip Anything USA: https://simpleprogrammer.com/flipanythingusa