WordPress and web development is definitely one of the major areas right now for software developers. More and more, people are recognizing the importance of being online and they are investing in creating websites and all this stuff.
WordPress is definitely a major player when it comes to web development. It is easy to use and it is, frequently, the first choice of anyone that wants to build a website.
It creates an awesome market for anyone interested in developing WordPress themes.
You may wish to develop WordPress Themes for your own use, for a client project or to submit to the WordPress Theme Directory. Why else should you build a WordPress Theme?
- To create a unique look for your WordPress site.
- To take advantage of templates, template tags, and the WordPress Loop to generate different website results and looks.
- To provide alternative templates for specific site features, such as category pages and search result pages.
- To quickly switch between two site layouts, or to take advantage of a Theme or style switcher to allow site owners to change the look of your site.
(Source: https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development)
So, do you wanna know more about the best resources to learn WordPress Theme Development?
WP With Tom Website: https://simpleprogrammer.com/wpwithtom
Professional WordPress: Design and Development: https://simpleprogrammer.com/wpdesigndevelopment