Following up the awesome interviews I'm recording with amazing people from the developer community, today I decided it was time to partner up with Ray Wenderlich to talk about building a successful programming career.
if you don't know Ray Wenderlich, he is a famous iOS developer that has developed a lot of different apps. Here is how he defines himself on LinkedIn
"Ray is an indie software developer currently focusing on iPhone and iPad development. He’s the founder of a small iPhone development studio called Razeware, and has released 6 apps so far.
In addition to making apps, Ray is also passionate about teaching others the techniques to make them. Ray runs a popular iOS development blog called, where he and a team of over 60 developers, forum moderators, and editors write high quality iOS tutorials.
Ray is a co-author of several books and starter kits, including Learning Cocos2D, iOS 5 by Tutorials, iOS 6 by Tutorials, iOS Games by Tutorials, and the Space Game Starter Kit.
Ray has over 10 years of programming experience, and is experienced in a wide variety of languages including Objective-C, C/C++. Java, C#, and Python."
So, if you wanna know more about building a successful programming career, with all the challenges and motivation roller coasters you'll face, watch this video and find out!
Ray Wenderlich's Website: