Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel
5 BEST Ways TO MAKE MONEY As A Game Developer Do you enjoy making games so much that you want to make a career out of it? With the popularity of video games today, there are so many opportunities to make money in game development and today I am going to be talking about 5 major ways to make money by making games. You can either choose to pursue a career in a big studio, in a small studio or even follow your way as an independent game developer. Whatever career you choose, keep something in mind: find a niche. Learn what you need to learn, meet who you need to meet, and do whatever it takes to become successful in that specific area of game development. If you frequently bounce around between these different paths, it is going to be very difficult for you to become great at any one of these. In today's video we are going to talk about the 5 best ways to make money as a video game developer.
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel
Programming Reality Vs Expectations (What You Think Vs. How It Actually IS!) Programming in reality can be very different from its expectations. And when it comes to a programming job these differences jump into the eye even more! #programming #programmingjob #programmingexpectations If you're a new developer, or even an aspiring developer trying to break into tech, you probably think that, by becoming a programmer, you'll be coding all day long, writing code that will change the world. You couldn't be more wrong. When it comes to doing what you're supposed to do in a standard programming job, it all comes down to much more than just writing code. When we expect to be writing code all day long, software development is much more about solving problems than it is to writing code all day long. In today's video I'm going to tell you the reality vs expectations of a programming job, what you can expect from your firs programming job and let you decide if this is the right career choice for you.
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel
We all know the programming job market is constantly changing. There are new technologies coming out every month, job roles that tend to demand more and more from developers and an increasing job-hopping phenomenon. How to cope up with all these changes? How to become a successful developer in today's job market? When you’re starting out, it can often seem like your dream job is completely out of reach. “Oh, I could never get a job at Google. I’m just not smart enough.” This is a great example of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe that you can never get the job, you will never put in the work, and never grow to the point where you’d be able to get the job. However, if you believe that you can get better over time and are willing to put in the work, any job can be within your reach. This advice may seem like a lot of work, and it is. No one said that getting your dream job would be easy. But when the going gets hard, remember why you’re working and keep leveling up. You’ll get there. In this video, I'll share my best advice on how to survive in today's job market.